Alright you guys, I’m owning to it, I’m admitting it! My feet hurt! Is it my shoes? Maybe. Is it the fact I’ve been walking for 3 weeks straight? Probably. Did I kick the side of my bed during the night? I have no idea but I’m not ruling it out!
Because of yesterday I decided to revisit a few spots, so I started in Trafalgar Square, which technically I did visit yesterday in a pass through sort of way. Again, long ass lines so I just spent a few minutes out front and moved on.
I found my way to Covent Garden and explored the market, which I have to say is a flea market junkie’s dream!!! There were so many vendor stalls and such cool stuff!! No, I didn’t buy anything because I’m traveling, but it was still pretty cool to wander through.
I decided I was going to try and get to St. Paul’s and I did, I wandered along until I got there and I enjoyed the walk through London. As it turns out it’s £18 to get in and no pictures allowed. I may have told you before, but my main decision making process for places to go is pretty much based off if I can get good pictures or not… So as you can guess I didn’t go inside.
After enjoying some lunch (and free wifi for some little inspiration) I hopped on the tube and headed for Leather Lane Market and I found it but didn’t think it was all that photogenic. But it smelled amazing and I wish I had gone there for lunch instead! So I hopped back on the tube and went to Leadenhall Market again and I wandered around and I have to say, I was disappointed when I realized that the hanging book instillation is not a permanent thing and I wasn’t going to see it. However, the Sky Garden was right around the corner and I admit to thinking it would have been different than it was, though I’m not sure how.

My last stop of the day was St Dunstan’s in the East and it took forever to find!! It’s hidden away but I was glad I didn’t give up on it! The old church was burned down in the Great Fire and rebuilt but destroyed in the Blitz. Now it’s just a public park and there a few people reading or eating lunch but it was very peaceful being there and quite relaxing.
Then it was back to my hostel to rest my poor feet. Now, I haven’t been in a hostel yet that had AC and I’ve been boiling this whole time. Sometimes you can open a window and while mine open, they’re underneath rain shields which just produce obscene amounts of noise and bring in 0 breeze. However, there are fans. So I close the windows and turn on the fans, what do my roomies do? Turn off the fans and open the windows… Go figure. It leaves room to be inventive though, I haven’t figured out how yet but I’ll get there eventually because otherwise I’ll just keep waking up in a puddle. Time for a cold shower.